Research shows that Hog Fennel Root (Qian Hu) might help with coughs, asthma, and upper respiratory infections.

Tabasheer (Tian Zhu Huang) is a hidden gem from the bamboo world, cherished in TCM for cooling heat, clearing phlegm, and calming the mind.

Research shows that Bamboo Shavings (Zhu Ru) have antioxidant, anti-hyperlipidemia, and blood pressure-lowering effects. However, there’s not much direct evidence to back up its traditional uses, like easing nausea or clearing phlegm.

Jie Geng, also known as Balloonflower Root, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for a variety of purposes. Research suggests it might be helpful for the respiratory system and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Research shows that Gua Lou (Mongolian Snakegourd Fruit) might have potential benefits for respiratory diseases, cancer, and HIV treatment.

Research suggests "Zhe Beimu" (Fritillaria thunbergii) has benefits for cough, inflammation, and respiratory issues, supported by traditional and modern studies.

Research shows that Chuanbeimu (Tendrilleaf Fritillary Bulb) might help with cough relief, clearing phlegm, and reducing inflammation. It’s especially useful for treating dry coughs and respiratory conditions.

Research shows that the Chinese herb Japanese Inula Flower, also known as Xuan Fu Hua, has anti-inflammatory effects and may help treat coughs, asthma, and bronchitis.

White mustard seed, or Bai Jie Zi, is a fascinating blend of ancient wisdom and modern potential. In TCM, it’s a trusted ally for clearing phlegm, soothing pain, and breaking up stagnation.

Tiannanxing, or Jackinthepulpit tuber, is a TCM heavyweight. It clears phlegm, calms spasms, and fights swelling with a history stretching back centuries.