Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a traditional medicine that originated from the Han Chinese people in China and has been practiced for over a thousand years.
When compared with modern Western medicine, it is often classified as traditional medicine. Therefore, the goal of the development of Chinese medicine in the world today is mostly to pursue its own scientific and modernization.
Today, the question of whether Chinese medicine is “scientifically valid” is still a highly controversial issue. We hope to make the facts of Chinese medicine more “clear” based on “scientific facts”.
Saposhnikovia (Fang Feng): Learn about this Chinese herb
Japanese Catnip(キャットニップ)
Schizonepeta Tenuifolia: What It Is, Benefits, and More
Jing Jie (荆芥): Unveiling the Secrets of This Chinese Herb
Chinese Perilla: What Is It and What Are Its Uses?
Perilla Flowers: What Are They and Can You Eat Them?
Perilla, a versatile plant known for its flavorful leaves, has more to offer than meets the eye. While many are familiar with perilla leaves, the plant’s flowers, buds, and seeds are also edible and packed with flavor. Let’s dive into…