Chinese Medicine

Female TCM doctors are dispensing medicineTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a traditional medicine that originated from the Han Chinese people in China and has been practiced for over a thousand years.

When compared with modern Western medicine, it is often classified as traditional medicine. Therefore, the goal of the development of Chinese medicine in the world today is mostly to pursue its own scientific and modernization.

Today, the question of whether Chinese medicine is “scientifically valid” is still a highly controversial issue. We hope to make the facts of Chinese medicine more “clear” based on “scientific facts”.

Chinese medicine for menopause

Chinese Medicine Diagnosis Pulse Diagnosis Office
In this situation, Western orthodox medicine offers to halt the aging process by substituting female hormones. Many studies have shown that this concept also works: numerous diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases or even Mb. Alzheimer's disease can be postponed.