Gardenia, scientifically known as Gardenia jasminoides, is a captivating plant with a rich history and diverse applications.

Gardenias are more than just a pretty face in your garden; they’re also edible and offer a variety of potential health benefits.

Is Gardenia Toxic to Cats? The short answer is: Yes. This plant is toxic and can cause vomiting and neurological problems in your pet cat.

栀子 (zhi zi) is a fascinating herb with a long history in TCM. From cooling fevers to easing pain, it's got quite a repertoire!

Zhi Mu, also known as Anemarrhena Root or Anemarrhena asphodeloides, is a fascinating herb that has been used in TCM.

Shi gao is a fascinating example of how traditional remedies are being explored in the context of modern medicine.

Sheng Ma, also known as Black Cohosh or Cimicifuga, is a fascinating herb with a rich history in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Man Jing Zi (蔓荆子), a lesser-known yet potent herbal remedy, has been a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries.

How Long Do Chrysanthemums Last?Fresh chrysanthemums may keep for a week, while dried chrysanthemums, may keep for about 1 year.

Does chrysanthemum tea make you sleepy? While it's not a guaranteed sleep aid, it can promote relaxation and potentially sleep quality.