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Medical Qigong: A Complementary Therapy for Health and Healing

In recent decades, medical qigong has gained popularity in the West as an alternative and complementary therapy.

Medical qigong is an ancient Chinese system of self-care and energy healing. Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine principles, medical qigong uses physical postures, breathing techniques, focused intention, and mind-body exercises to cultivate the flow of qi (life force energy) in the body. This traditional healing art has been practiced for thousands of years as a way to promote health and wellbeing.

In recent decades, medical qigong has gained popularity in the West as an alternative and complementary therapy.

Embedded Reporting in Qigong Circle
Embedded Reporting in Qigong Circle. image: Brian Robinson

What is Medical Qigong?

Medical qigong is one of the four pillars of traditional Chinese medicine, along with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and manipulative therapies like tui na massage. It involves exercises and meditations designed to optimize energy within the body. The goal is to regulate qi flow, reduce stress, and allow healing to occur.

According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, qi flows through invisible channels called meridians that form a network throughout the body. When qi becomes stagnant or depleted, it can lead to illness and dysfunction. Through medical qigong practices, energy blockages can be cleared, deficiencies can be addressed, and overall vitality can be restored. The exercises help circulate qi and blood, strengthen immunity, and return the body to a state of balance.

Some of the key features of medical qigong include:

  • Qi cultivation: special breathing patterns, visualization, and intention help cultivate and circulate qi energy.
  • Self-applied methods: exercises or meditations that patients can do themselves at home.
  • External treatments: a practitioner directs qi transmission to a patient to facilitate healing.
  • Clinical applications: used by doctors to treat specific diseases and health conditions.

Benefits of Medical Qigong

Regular practice of medical qigong exercises and energy healing techniques offer a range of health benefits, both physical and mental:

  • Improved immune function
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Lower stress hormones
  • Enhanced mood and sense of wellbeing
  • Increased flexibility and balance
  • Pain relief
  • Improved sleep

Clinical studies have also shown medical qigong to be helpful as an adjunct therapy for treating cancer, fibromyalgia, hypertension, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and other chronic conditions.

For Cancer Patients

For patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, medical qigong can help reduce side effects and improve quality of life. Studies show medical qigong helps cancer patients by:

  • Alleviating fatigue
  • Reducing nausea
  • Decreasing inflammation
  • Lessening anxiety and depression
  • Regulating disordered hormones

For Chronic Pain

As a mind-body therapy, medical qigong activates the body’s natural painkilling chemicals like endorphins. Regular practice has been shown to dampen pain signals through multiple central and peripheral mechanisms. Medical qigong is used to effectively treat chronic pain associated with:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Lower back injuries
  • Headaches
  • Arthritis
  • Neuropathic pain

Is Medical Qigong Right for Me?

Medical qigong is a gentle, low-impact therapy that can benefit people of all ages and abilities. It can be safely practiced alongside other treatments with few side effects. Talk to your health provider to see if integrating medical qigong techniques into your treatment plan could be helpful.

Here are some tips if you are considering medical qigong:

  • Find an experienced certified practitioner for guidance.
  • Start slowly and gently to avoid overexertion.
  • Treat it as a form of moving meditation.
  • Customize your practice to your unique needs.
  • Be patient; it may take time to notice benefits.

With its focus on self-care and holistic healing, medical qigong is emerging as an appealing complementary therapy for fostering whole-person health in the modern world.

Trusted Sources:

Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

Articles: 657

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