6.The chamomile

Medicinal plants: the strongest plants and their effects

Medicinal plants are an important part of both Chinese medicine and modern medicine, and these natural plants are nature's best gift to us.

Native medicinal plants are still used today as an alternative to conventional medicines. Here you can find out how the ten most powerful plants work.

Medicinal plants vs. conventional medicine

Medicinal plants work differently than conventional medicines. They do not consist of just one active ingredient, but contain various natural substances. These include vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants and secondary plant compounds. The latter are usually responsible for the characteristic effect of a medicinal plant.

In addition to the main effect, medicinal plants usually have so-called side effects. These are not undesirable side effects, as they are often associated with conventional drugs. Instead, medicinal plants often have other positive effects on health. For example, a lady’s mantle tea can not only help with diarrhea, but also relieve menstrual cramps.

Medicinal plants can only cause harm if you isolate their active ingredients and use them in doses that are too large. Ask your naturopathic doctor or practitioner if you are unsure how much of a medicinal plant you should use.

Medicinal plants are an important part of both Chinese medicine and modern medicine, and these natural plants are nature’s best gift to us.

The best medicinal plants and their effects

1. Eyebright

1. Eyebright

Eyebright is one of the medicinal plants thanks to the iridoid glycosides, flavonoids and tannins it contains.

  • The medicinal plant can help with conjunctivitis, against inflamed red and watery eyes and with styes.
  • Also, if you have an allergy or your eyes are strained after long screen work, eyebright drops can relieve your discomfort.
  • If your mouth and throat are inflamed or you suffer from stomach discomfort, eyebright tea can help. Simply brew a teaspoon of dried eyebright with two tablespoons of the fresh medicinal plant with hot water.

Important: For the eyes you should only use germ-free eyebright drops from the pharmacy.

2. The valerian

The main healing ingredients of valerian are essential oils, valerenic acids and lignans.

  • Valerian can have relaxing and sleep-inducing effects.
  • If you take valerian, you will fall asleep better and faster. Advantage: Unlike synthetic sleeping pills, valerian does not interfere with your natural sleep rhythm. Also, the so-called “sleeping pill hangover” does not occur.
  • It can also help with exam anxiety and general nervousness.

You can use valerian as a tea or tincture. Important: Valerian does not work immediately for everyone. Often you have to use it for two to three weeks.

3.The stinging nettle

The stinging nettle contains many active substances that are beneficial to health. The most important are minerals and trace elements, especially iron and silicic acid, vitamins C, B2 and K1, carotenoids, flavonoids and bitter substances.

  • The medicinal plant can help with bladder infections and prevent kidney and urinary stones.
  • It can also relieve rheumatism in muscles and joints.
  • Nettle is effective in liver and gallbladder disorders and can rebalance digestion in cases of constipation, diarrhea and flatulence.
  • It can also lower blood sugar – so diabetics in particular should drink plenty of nettle tea.
  • If you use nettle tea as a hair tonic, less dandruff will form on your head. In addition, the conditioner stimulates blood circulation in your scalp. This allows your hair roots to be optimally supplied with nutrients – it is also said to make your hair grow faster.

You can make a healing tea from fresh or dried nettle leaves or use its root as a tincture. Important: Make sure that you drink at least 2.5 liters of still water when you take nettle in any form. The medicinal plant has a strong dehydrating effect.

Lady's mantle

4.Lady’s mantle

Lady’s mantle works mainly due to the tannins and flavonoids it contains.

  • The medicinal plant is said to help with diarrhea.
  • It can also balance hormonal fluctuations in women, relieve menstrual cramps and strengthen connective tissue.

You can use the medicinal plant as lady’s mantle tea or tincture.

The St. John's wort

5.The St. John’s wort

The ingredients of St. John’s wort that are relevant to health are flavonoids, procanidins, and the secondary plant compounds hypericin and hyperforin.

  • St. John’s wort has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes wound healing: use it, for example, if you have been burned or suffer from a strain, bruise or other blunt injury.
  • It can also relieve gastrointestinal disorders.
  • It is also said to help with mild to moderate depression and anxiety. St. John’s wort works in a similar way to conventional antidepressants: it regulates the neurotransmitter balance that has become unbalanced.
  • You can take St. John’s wort as an oil, tea, tincture or ready-to-use preparation.

What you should bear in mind: In the case of depressive moods, the medicinal plant only works if you take it regularly for two to three weeks. If you take St. John’s wort, the contraceptive pill may have less effect. It can also make your skin and eyes more sensitive. So never go out in the sun without sunscreen and sunglasses while using the herb.

6.The chamomile

6.The chamomile

Chamomile has healing properties because it contains essential oils, mucilages and flavonoids.

  • The medicinal plant has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, digestive, and antispasmodic effects. It also helps wounds to heal faster. Chamomile teas, tinctures and oils also have a relaxing effect.
  • In the case of gastrointestinal disorders and digestive problems, chamomile tea can relieve discomfort.
  • A steam bath with chamomile relaxes irritated respiratory tracts, for example in the case of a cold.
  • Applied externally, chamomile oils help with skin and mucous membrane inflammations and bacterial skin diseases.
  • Chamomile tea can also relieve menstrual cramps.

You can use chamomile as a tea, oil or tincture.


7.The dandelion

Dandelion contains many health-promoting ingredients, such as bitter substances, carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins, minerals and mucilage. Its root also contains inulin.

  • Dandelion stimulates appetite, regulates bile flow and helps with bloating and flatulence.
  • It promotes healing of bladder and kidney diseases and supports the liver.
  • In addition, the medicinal plant can relieve pain associated with rheumatism and gout.
  • You can use dandelion as a tea or tincture.

In another article you will learn how dandelion tea works and how to prepare it.

Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

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