Acupuncture on the head

Is acupuncture once a week enough?

Acupuncture once a week is fine, but 2-3 times a week may be too often, and a professional doctor will give you the appropriate frequency in relation to your health.

Acupuncture once a week is fine, but 2-3 times a week may be too often, and a professional doctor will give you the appropriate frequency in relation to your health.

Acupuncture on the head

How many times is appropriate?

Acupuncture once a week is enough, but it depends on your situation.

For severe pain and illness, 2-3 times a week is normal.

However, for ordinary health care, once a week is enough, and frequent poisoning may lead to risks and negative problems.

Also read: How long does acupuncture last?

Acupuncture on the arm

What can be treated with acupuncture

One of the main reasons for which acupuncture is often used is chronic pain but there are also other conditions that this technique can alleviate, such as:

  • Back pain: acupuncture not only causes the body to release natural painkillers, it can also change a patient’s perception of pain, thus relieving symptoms.
  • Stress, anxiety and depression: A study conducted in China found that a low dose of fluoxetine (Prozac) combined with acupuncture therapy was as effective in reducing anxiety in patients receiving treatment for depression as the same full dose of medication. Acupuncturists perceive anxiety as an imbalance in the functioning of different organs. In that sense, worry and excessive mental work, correspond to a disorder in the spleen; lack of enthusiasm and vitality, restlessness, depression, insomnia, despair are symptoms of a heart disorder; emotional symptoms such as anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness, are related to the liver; with the lung are linked to pain, sadness and detachment. Finally, with an imbalance in the kidneys, a person may feel fearful, insecure and isolated.
  • It improves the problems of the digestive system: it seems to be very effective in controlling nausea, especially due to chemotherapy treatments. It can also be used as an adjunct in stomach pain (epigastralgia) and dyspepsia in general, as well as in ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. In this regard, it should be noted that it is positive for pregnant women.
  • Headache: regular acupuncture therapy is effective in preventing or reducing the intensity of tension headaches and migraines. According to studies, the needles send signals to the brain to adjust the levels of these neurotransmitters.
  • Respiratory system ailments: acupuncture has shown clear efficacy in allergic rhinitis, and relative efficacy in bronchial asthma, also for colds, sinusitis, sore throat.
  • For muscles and bones: one study found that people with chronic tendonitis or arthritis who had 20-minute acupuncture sessions twice a week for 6 weeks had less pain and disability. In addition to these two conditions, acupuncture also treats ankle sprains, muscle pain, tendonitis, etc.
  • In pregnancy: its ability to stimulate uterine contraction has also been used to try to correct abnormal fetal position in the last trimester as well as to promote labor.

But there are many more ailments that are treated with acupuncture with optimal results. Ask us what your ailment is and Centros Alba will offer you the best solution.

Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

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