Woman Yoga Stretching Meditation Fitness

Sciatica relief (non-medical means)

We are going to show you how to counteract it and you will see how with a few things you can do at home you will relieve the pain very quickly.

Sciatica is a pain that usually occurs in the legs. It starts in the buttock and can go all the way down to the knee or foot.

Most people tend to think there is something wrong with these areas. However, the problem is in the lumbar and sacrum, where the nerve is pinched, pinched or blocked, which causes the pain to radiate.

Woman Yoga Stretching Meditation Fitness

Exercises to relieve sciatica pain

To relieve this discomfort, we are going to show you how to counteract it and you will see how with a few things you can do at home you will relieve the pain very quickly.

Knees to chest

The first exercise consists of bringing your knees to your chest. Once this is done, you bring them together and little by little you bring them closer to the chest until the most tolerable point (for each person it is different). Where you get, hold and go breathing, trying to increase a little bit the intensity of the exercise. In this position we must be at least one minute.

Opposite knee movement

Second exercise. First you lie on your back with your shoulders close to the floor and take one knee, bend it and take it to the opposite side. Your shoulders must be very close together while you bend your knee little by little. Remember to keep breathing and stretch as much as you can.

There you keep it and try to increase the stretch. In this position we should be at least a minute or two minutes per stretch. Also remember to change legs, even if only one leg hurts.

Also read: Acupuncture for sciatica

Massage Relaxation Lower Back

Massages to relieve sciatica pain

Apart from stretching it is very important to massage the affected area, there are a few little tricks that you can replicate at home. If you do it right, in a short time you will see how much it helps to alleviate discomfort.

For this massage we start in a prone position and we will press the entire lumbar area very carefully making movements from the area of the spine outward throughout the paravertebral and lateral. We are going to press on one side and on the other.

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Then we are going to make some pressures with the thumbs, from the sacrum, passing along the edge of the iliac crest (of the hip). With these movements we are going to work the glued area to loosen the very hard musculature. It is possible that there may be pain, so it is important to measure the intensity of the massage.

Subsequently, in the gluteus we are going to make some pressures with the fist in the form of turns to release all that musculature that is also very tense. Later on, we are going to change the fist for the forearm using the whole lateral side like a rolling pin and we are going to pass from top to bottom several times.

Then we are going to flex the knee with the aim of making the back of the leg looser. Once this is done, we are going to make pressures until we find a hard line and to release all that up to the area behind the knee which is the popliteal fossa and there, we are going to go pumping.

Other maneuvers that are widely used for these cases of sciatica are those of reflexology. This consists of treating the lateral area between the knee and the ankle, both internally and externally.

Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

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