LI-4 pressure point, also known as Hegu

How to relieve migraine by Acupressure?

Acupressure has an analgesic effect to reduce migraine, and also a prophylactic action that helps to reduce the frequency of this discomfort.

Acupressure is an ancestral healing technique that is based on acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicinal practice.

In acupressure, pressure is applied to specific places on the body. These places are called acupoints. It serves to calm muscle tension and increase blood circulation. It can also relieve many of the most common side effects of chemotherapy.

Migraine relief through simple acupressure sounds good, keep reading and we’ll show you how to do it to reduce the pain caused by migraines.

How does acupressure work?

You may be familiar with acupuncture, which is a type of traditional Chinese medicine that involves sticking needles into certain points on the body. Acupressure works on the same principles as acupuncture, but instead of using needles, you can use your own hands to apply pressure to specific points and get relief from various ailments.

“(Acupressure) is working on medicine from inside the body, as opposed to a pure Western perspective where we’re incorporating an external agent like a medication, for example,” said Malcolm Taw, MD, FACP, director of UCLA Center for East-West Medicine – Westlake Village and a board-certified acupuncturist.

A 2010 study published in The American Journal of Chinese Medicine tested this idea of internal versus external medicine. Researchers examined two groups of participants with chronic headaches for one month: one group was treated with acupressure and one group was treated with muscle relaxants. The researchers found that acupressure was more effective in relieving pain and the effects were longer lasting than muscle relaxants.

Today, health care practitioners can use Eastern medicine concepts, such as acupressure, along with Western medicine concepts, such as traditional medicines.

Relieve migraine by Acupressure

LI-4 point

LI-4 pressure point, also known as Hegu
LI-4 pressure point, also known as Hegu

The LI-4 pressure point, also known as Hegu, is located between the base of the thumb and index finger. By doing acupressure on that point, headache and other types of pain can be relieved.

  • Find the LI-4 pressure point by placing the thumb in the space between the base of the thumb and the index finger
  • Press that point for 5 minutes. Move the thumb in a circle while applying pressure. Do this firmly, but not hard enough to cause pain.
  • Repeat the process on the other hand.

You can do acupressure several times a day or as often as needed to make the symptoms go away.

GB20 point fengchi

GB20 point

This point is located on the back of the neck at the base of the skull, in the grooves on either side of the midline.

Using the GB20 point are especially helpful for headaches in the back of the head and can also help with neck pain.

  • Locate the points by interlocking your hands, but keeping your thumbs facing outward and then placing them behind your head (think as if you are in a relaxed position and cradling your head). Your thumbs should naturally land in those grooves on either side.
  • Apply firm pressure on both sides simultaneously with your thumbs. Apply enough pressure so that you feel tender and a little sore.
  • Continue pressing and/or massaging for 15-30 seconds.

M-HN-9 / Tai Yang 

M-HN-9 / Tai Yang 

On both sides of your face, in the grooves of your temples, you will find the Tai Yang point. Applying pressure to these points will help migraines, especially if you feel pain around your temples. To activate the Tai Yang point, follow these steps:

  1. Use your index and/or middle finger to find the depression at your temples on each side of your face. 
  2. Apply firm pressure with your middle fingers or your index and middle fingers, and make sure you feel that slight pain.
  3. Continue applying pressure for 15-30 seconds.

Benefits of Acupressure

Several universities and institutions of international renown have studied the benefits of working acupressure points on human health:

  1. Migraine and nausea

A study published in the journal Medicine concluded that this method helps reduce migraine-related nausea.

Two groups of people were treated for eight weeks. One group was supplemented with the usual treatment with valproic acid, a drug prescribed in these cases, with massage of acupressure points on the head and wrist. The other group was given only the drug. In the first case, the frequency of nausea decreased.

  1. Fatigue

According to ScienceDirect research published in 2019, it can also reduce fatigue in people with migraine. Feeling tired is a common symptom of chronic headache.

  1. Reduces migraine frequency

A study published in the International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine, determined that acupressure has an analgesic effect to reduce migraine, and also a prophylactic action that helps to reduce the frequency of this discomfort.

  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder

Acupressure treatment can also be used to treat PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), as it promotes sleep quality, relaxation levels and recovery after a headache.

  1. Multiple Sclerosis

Research in the Global Journal of Health Science supported the feasibility of combining acupressure points with a group wellness intervention in women managing multiple sclerosis symptoms. The treatment helped improve sleep, relaxation, fatigue and pain.

  1. Chronic low back pain

A Youngstown State University study confirmed its validity in treating this and other back problems.

Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

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