Is cupping effective and safe?

Cupping is a traditional practice practiced in various cultures around the world. However, the question is whether it is an effective alternative treatment?

Cupping is a traditional practice practiced in various cultures around the world. This practice involves the use of a special cup that has been ventilated to produce a low -pressure air space such as a suction or semi -vacuum chamber and placed on the surface of the skin. However, the question is whether it is an effective alternative treatment?

Alternative Treatment

Before we talk about cupping, let’s first understand what is meant by alternative treatments.

Treatment or alternative medicine is a term that describes medical treatment used not from mainstream medicine. Some individuals refer to this treatment as ‘integrative’ or ‘complementary’ medicine.

More than half of adult individuals in the United States say they use some alternative medicine. But what types of therapies are considered alternative treatments?


It is a traditional Chinese treatment technique that uses needles to stimulate specific points on the body. The purpose of this treatment is to help the body’s natural healing process. Several studies have found acupuncture treatment to be effective in treating several conditions such as pain in the neck and back of the body, nausea, anxiety, depression, insomnia, infertility and many others.

Chiropractic medicine

This method focuses on the structure of the body especially on the part of the spine and how it works. The professional individual who performs this treatment, called a chiropractor uses different techniques to ‘correct’ your spine or other parts of your body so that it is in the correct condition or position. The goal of using this method of treatment is to relieve pain, improve body function and help the body for the healing process naturally.

Energy therapy

This method focuses the energy that is believed to be around and in an individual’s body. It is divided into several categories namely magnetic field therapy, reiki and touch therapy.

Herbal medicine

This therapy uses plant parts such as roots, fruit leaves or flowers to heal the body. Still, there are many herbal -based supplements sold without evidence to show they are safe or effective. Please consult a doctor if you want to use this treatment.

Ayurvedic Medicine

It is one of the oldest alternative medical treatment methods in the world. It started in India more than 3,000 years ago and is still widely used in the country. However, there are not enough studies or clinical research to support the effectiveness of this therapeutic treatment.

So what about this cupping treatment? What is its function? And is it really effective for treating health problems? Follow the next peel.

What is Cupping?

Cupping is removing dirty material from one’s body by dissecting or tapping a little on one’s body. This traditional method is believed to remove dirty matter from the body through such means by using a horn or cup that is upside down on the place that has been dissected or tapped.

It is an ancient alternative treatment that has been used since the times of Ancient Egypt and China. In an ancient medical book called the Ebers Papyrus, there is an explanation of how the Egyptians used the cupping method in 1550 BC.

There are two approaches to understanding the cupping mechanism, namely:

  1. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, cupping is believed to control the flow of chi and the balance of yin and yang. Has similarities with acupuncture.
  2. From a western medical perspective, cupping is believed to provide physical stress that stimulates neural reflexes and endocrine responses.

Cupping is done in two methods – dry and wet.

In both methods, a type of cup will be mounted on the skin and negative pressure inside the cup will be created either using (old) or (modern) burning techniques. The cup is usually left for 3 minutes.

In the wet method, the cup will be lifted and the affected part of the skin will be pricked or cut into small pieces using a needle or knife. Then, the cup is placed back to suck a small amount of blood in the area.

Several cups may be used at one time. After the cupping is complete, you may be given an antibiotic cream and bandage to prevent infection. The skin will return to its original appearance in 10 days.

Individuals who want to do this alternative cupping treatment must be between 10 to 65 years old. While for individuals over the age of 65, cupping can be done if they have a good level of health.

The elderly, infants, and chronic patients are among those who need to be more careful because they have weaker immune systems than other normal individuals.

Perhaps their health condition can cause some side effects such as infection and bleeding. Therefore, consult a doctor first before doing so.

Although this cupping treatment can be done on any part of the body, however, in fact, there are some parts of the body where this treatment cannot be done, especially on the part where the skin is injured, irritated or inflamed.

In addition to the skin conditions mentioned above, this cupping treatment should also not be done on the part where there are arterial blood vessels, pulse, lymph nodes, eyes or the part that is suffering from fractures.

According to modern medical methods, these alternative treatments are not in line with scientific facts and they are likely to risk bringing more harm than good. However, it depends on the needs and preferences of the individual. And preferably before you undertake any alternative treatments, seek views and advice from doctors and physicians.

Types of Cupping

Dry cupping or wind cupping

Cupping equipment is only placed on the surface of the skin without skin incisions and no bleeding occurs. This cupping is usually used to relieve pain caused by rheumatism and pain in the back. This type of cupping will leave a scar like a blackish red bruise and will disappear a few days later.

Wet cupping

This method involves cupping equipment placed on the surface of the skin that has been tapped and a special cup is used to remove dirty blood through the tapping. Usually it is done for 3 to 5 minutes and not more than 9 minutes.

Blood inhalation can only be done up to 7 times and should not exceed the maximum amount. Usually this type of cupping will produce blackish red blood and foam.

Fire cupping

It is also known as Fire Cupping which uses a medium of fire as a material to make space on the suction device. This type of cupping is done with glasses that are specially designed to create a vacuum space in the cupping area. The air in the glass is burned using paper or cotton, then the glass is placed on the surface of the skin.

Expectations During Treatment?

What can you expect while receiving this cupping treatment?

When the treatment is done, a cup will be placed on the skin. Then there are two methods to be done, either the cup will be heated or sucked into the skin. Usually the cup is heated by fire using alcohol, herbs or paper that will be placed directly into the cup. When the fire source is removed or removed from the cup, the open part on the heated cup will be placed directly on your skin.

When a hot cup is placed on the skin, the air inside the cup cools and produces a vacuum -like function that pulls the skin and muscles over the skin. Your skin may turn red when blood vessels respond to changes in pressure.

Now, there are some practitioners of this treatment have switched to the use of rubber pumps to make suction as opposed to heat method which is more of a traditional method.

In treatments using the dry method, cups are placed on specific parts according to a set time. Usually between 5 to 10 minutes.

After the cup is removed, the practitioner will cover the area with a cream, rubbing oil or ointment and wrap it. The purpose of this action is to prevent infection. Any mild bruising or symptoms that may exist and arise after treatment will usually disappear within 10 days of the treatment session.

This method of cupping treatment is usually done in conjunction with acupuncture treatment. To get the best treatment results, you are advised to fast or maybe just take a snack for a period of 2 to 3 hours before the cupping treatment session is done.

Benefits of Cupping

Cupping is done as a treatment for some of the following health problems:

  • Blood disorders, such as anemia and hemophilia
  • Rheumatic diseases, such as arthritis and fibromyalgia
  • Fertility and gynecological -related disorders
  • Skin problems, such as eczema and acne
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Migraine
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Tension of the jugular veins, shoulder blades, waist and leg joints
  • Breaks down fat

Are There Any Side Effects?

In every treatment, the hygiene of the equipment is very important to avoid the occurrence of side effects. Improper cupping methods can lead to infection and transmission of blood -borne diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C due to the use of unsterilized equipment.

Cupping is generally safe as long as it is done by a trained professional. However, there are some side effects that may occur such as:

  • Discomfort may arise in the cupped part
  • Skin burns or scalds, especially if using fire cupping
  • Bruises
  • Skin infections
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Excessive bleeding

Is This Treatment Effective?

According to the Minister of Health, Datuk Seri Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad, the Technology Evaluation Report on cupping in 2012 stated that there was no strong evidence of its effectiveness on diseases including herpes zoster (smallpox), facial paralysis (facial stroke), back pain (back pain) and spondalysis (bone pain ). back).

In addition, he said, other diseases also include cerebrovascular accident (stroke), hypertension (hypertension), fibromyalgia (nerve disease), bronchitis (inflammation of the throat), asthma (asthma) and headaches.

He said, however, the ministry would continue the study and produce a Health Technology Report on Wet Cupping Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease which would examine the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of wet cupping for both indications in the near future.

According to him, the introduction of cupping services in government health facilities could be considered. It can be made based on the relevant technology evaluation report and the current situation.

He was responding to a question from Dr Azman Ismail (PH-Kuala Kedah) who wanted to know whether the ministry intended to use the cupping method in government hospitals to treat chronic diseases and reduce the cost of treatment at an oral question session at the Dewan Rakyat recently.

Scientific Studies on Cupping

Not many scientific studies have been conducted on cupping.

In a report published in 2015 in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine , stated that cupping treatments are believed to help treat problems related to acne, herpes zoster, and pain management.

In another finding from a study conducted through a 2012 report, published in PLoS One, researchers from Australia and China reviewed 135 studies on cupping.

They concluded that this cupping treatment therapy is likely to have an effect when an individual also seeks other treatments at the same time. Examples of other treatments include acupuncture, or medication, which depends on an individual’s health problems and condition.

Among the health problems that are suitable to undergo cupping treatment are as follows:

  • Herpes zoster
  • Acne
  • Paralyzed face
  • Cervical spondylosis

However, the researchers found that through the study notes that they have reviewed, it is possible that there are studies that are biased and require more research to be done.

The British Cupping Society says that cupping therapy treatments can be used to treat problems such as:

  • Blood disorders such as anemia and hemophilia
  • Rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia
  • Fertility and gynecological disorders
  • Skin problems such as eczema and acne
  • High blood pressure
  • Migraine
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Bronchial congestion is caused by allergies and asthma
  • Medicine for varicose veins

Yet, for now, there is no research to support that statement.


The Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) through the Traditional and Complementary Medicine Unit has issued guidelines for cupping treatment. Here are some of the guidelines:

1. Equipment for cupping

  • Cupping tools

Cups that have been applied to the client should be sterilized first before being used for the next treatment session. Cups that have been used but not sterilized cannot be used directly to the same customer on different parts or to other customers.

It should be ensured that the appropriate cup size is used for the place or part to be treated.

  • Disposable sterile lancet

Only disposable lancets are allowed for use in the skin tapping process during cupping treatment procedures using the wet method.

2. Practice for precautions

  • Practitioners are required to always ensure that standards of precautions in healthcare are adhered to at all times and all clinical waste management must adhere to clinical waste management guidelines (can refer to Clinical Waste Management Guidelines in Malaysia, Department of Environment, 2009).
  • To ensure that the body parts of patients or clients treated using wet cupping treatment are not infected, practitioners should use a disposable sterile lancet set.
  • The skin surface on the part of the body to be treated using the wet cupping method, should be cleaned first using 70% isopropyl alcohol and left to dry before making any incisions for treatment.
  • Prior to cupping treatment, cups should be washed to remove mites and sterilized according to appropriate sterilization and disinfection methods before use on patients.
  • Practitioners are required to wear personal protection especially gloves during treatment procedures and must ensure that a level of personal hygiene is always maintained.

Keep it safe

No matter what alternative medical treatment options you want to use, the most important thing is to seek advice from a doctor to find out about the suitability of the treatment method with your level of health condition. And it should be noted alternative treatments are not a substitute to clinical or mainstream medical treatment. Don’t be obsessed with alternative treatments later, your health level is deteriorating.

Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

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