999 cold medicine after brewing with water

999 tea: what it is, benefits and side effects

Generally speaking, when we refer to 999 tea we are referring to the Chinese 999 cold and flu medicine, also known as Chinese 999 medicine.

Generally speaking, when we refer to 999 tea we are referring to the Chinese 999 cold and flu medicine, also known as Chinese 999 medicine.

It is a medicine synthesised from various herbs and ingredients such as acetaminophen and caffeine, and is generally helpful for colds and fevers.

It is also called “999 tea” because it looks like tea when mixed with hot water, but it is still a medicine.

999 cold medicine after brewing with water
999 cold medicine after brewing with water

What is 999 tea?

“999” is a Chinese medicine developed to treat colds and flu which combines Chinese medicine and modern medicine and is very popular in China.

The popular 999 Ganmaoling Keli is a classic example of a Western-Chinese medicine blend. Herbal medicines, including wild chrysanthemum and evodia leaf, function to remove heat and toxins in the body.

The medicine’s effectiveness is boosted by introducing an analgesic (acetaminophen) and a stimulant (caffeine).

Read more: Chinese medicine 999 wiki

Chinese medicine 999 wiki
999 cold medicine: packaging, particles

The benefits of 999 tea

According to specialist Chinese medical websites, the benefits of this drug include

  1. reduction of pain problems associated with colds and fevers;
  2. relief of the “hot” sensation associated with the above diseases;
  3. relief of painful sensations associated with colds;
  4. solving the problem of a runny nose during a cold;
  5. Treatment of nasal congestion during colds and flu;
  6. relief of sore throat during cold and flu;
  7. During the covid-19 pandemic, it was used to relieve the symptoms of this epidemic.

Please note that there are differences in the therapeutic effects and legal permissions for this drug in different countries.

Always seek the help of a medical professional and not base your use of the drug on this article as a guide.

Side effects

The side effects of 999 Cold Medicine are common adverse reactions that may include rash, itching, hives, drug fever, and decreased white blood cell count, as well as drowsiness, sleepiness, thirst, and weakness. Long-term and excessive use of the medicine may lead to liver damage.

The side effects of 999 Cold Medicine are closely related to its composition, as it is a traditional Chinese medicine with ingredients such as bitter triplex, honeysuckle and silver chrysanthemum, and wild chrysanthemum, as well as Western medicine components such as acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine maleate, and caffeine.

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Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

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