Hand acupuncture

What pains can be treated with acupuncture?

Although it sounds suspicious, more and more research shows that acupuncture can alleviate a lot of pain problems and is very safe.

Although it sounds suspicious, more and more research shows that acupuncture can alleviate a lot of pain problems and is very safe.

Acupuncture can help alleviate pain types include:

Hand acupuncture

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture, electroacupuncture and other related techniques in the treatment of pain are procedures with millenary roots, derived from traditional Chinese medicine. The methods commonly used today under the term “acupuncture” are multiple and can be described as follows:

  • Acupuncture: use of metallic needles on special points of the skin.
  • Trigger point therapy: very superficial infiltration of reactive points of the skin.
  • Electroacupuncture: application of special electric currents on acupuncture needles.
  • Auriculotherapy: stimulation of reflex points of the auricle.

Today, the WHO promotes the development of acupuncture, both in practice and in research. The foundations of traditional acupuncture are based on a paleomedicine that has been maintained over centuries, due to the constancy of its effects. The theories of Chinese medicine predate the existence of the scientific method and, therefore, its methods come from observation and are empirical. According to these theories, the main element of our physical activity is the so-called Qi (energy), a non-visible element, close to our Western sense of “vital force”. Qi runs through the whole organism through “channels” which, as they are not visible, are also called “meridians”.

The metal needles are inserted into special points on the skin, which correspond to the so-called channels or meridians, through which blood and energy circulate. Acupuncture uses very fine, polished metal needles of different lengths and gauges depending on the area to be punctured. They are sterile and disposable. The sizes vary from half an inch to 8 and 10 inches. It is normal to handle needles between 1 to 3 inches.

Massage Back Therapies Manual Therapy Handling

what pains can i treat with acupuncture?

  • Muscle and/or joint pain.
  • Fatigue, fibromyalgia and pain due to rheumatologic and/or auto-immune causes.
  • Gynecological and visceral pains (period pains, gas, etc.)
  • Neuropathic pain

The goal of acupuncture treatment for pain will always be to reduce the intensity of the pain by reducing inflammation and rebalancing the stagnant flow of blood, lymph, nerve impulses, in short, qi.

How acupuncture works for pain

The “blockage” that triggers the pain picture, may have been initiated by both emotional and physical causes, or a combination of both, but it is usually the passage of time, and with it the adaptations to the discomforts that are arising, integrating and normalizing them, which has been creating a situation increasingly complex and difficult to treat.

Acupuncture, together with small changes in our daily habits (such as meditation and breathing patterns or phytotherapy), on which the acupuncturist will guide, will improve the quality of our daily life from the root.

Ling Gu: An Amazing Acupuncture Point
Ling Gu Point Source: Jenniferdubowsky

Main pain and pressure points

Relieve neck pain: if you suffer from annoying neck pain and you can’t find a way to relieve it, acupuncture can help you. The pressure point you need to find is on the ending bone. This is the bone that we touch behind the ear socket.

Relieve migraines: If migraines are your worst nightmare, acupuncture may help you cope better. Locate the membrane between your thumb and index finger and apply pressure to it with the fingers of your other hand. You will have to switch hands, applying pressure to both hands.

Relieving nausea and vomiting: If nausea and vomiting keep you from living, try the acupuncture technique described here. Locate the tendons on the inside of your wrist. Place your hand palm side up and apply pressure on this area. Press with your index finger, first on one hand and then on the other.

Relieve headache and stress: If you suffer from headaches and stress, there is a pressure point that will improve your condition. It is the point located between the two eyebrows, it is the bridge of union. Massage this area using your middle finger.

Relieve bone pain: if you suffer from painful bone discomfort, such as knee or back pain, there is an area of your body that can become your best ally. On the back of the knee, right in the center, there is an area on which you will have to apply pressure with your thumbs.

Relieve digestive problems: if you want to improve your intestinal health and avoid digestive problems, there is a treatment that can help you. You have to move to the sole of your foot. Starting from the second and third metatarsal, halfway to the heel is the pressure point to apply.

Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

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