liuwei dihuang wan

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan: What It Is, Uses, and More

In this article, we’ll delve into the history, composition, benefits, and considerations of using Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, helping you understand whether this ancient Chinese formula is right for you.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has garnered growing interest in Western countries for its holistic approach to health and well-being. Among the myriad of herbal remedies used in TCM, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (六味地黄丸) stands out as one of the most well-known formulas, especially for treating ailments related to kidney deficiency.

But what exactly is this traditional formula, what are its uses, and why should you care about this traditional herbal remedy?

In this article, we’ll delve into the history, composition, benefits, and considerations of using Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, helping you understand whether this ancient Chinese formula is right for you.

liuwei dihuang wan
liuwei dihuang wan image: 同仁堂

What is Liu Wei Di Huang Wan?

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, often referred to as “Six Flavor Rehmannia Pill” in English, is a traditional Chinese herbal formula primarily used to nourish kidney yin and address symptoms of yin deficiency1. First developed during the Song Dynasty by the renowned pediatrician Qian Yi, the formula was initially designed for children but later became widely used for adults2.

The term Liu Wei means “six ingredients,” which perfectly describes the composition of the formula. The six herbs work synergistically to nourish the kidneys, balance yin and yang, and restore the body’s energy flow.

Key Ingredients

  1. Rehmannia root (Shu Di Huang) – The principal ingredient, used to nourish kidney and liver yin.
  2. Cornus fruit (Shan Zhu Yu) – Helps to tonify the liver and kidneys while preventing the leakage of essential energy.
  3. Chinese yam (Shan Yao) – Strengthens the spleen and nourishes the kidneys, supporting digestion.
  4. Poria (Fu Ling) – Drains dampness and strengthens the spleen.
  5. Alisma (Ze Xie) – Promotes water metabolism and helps prevent the buildup of dampness.
  6. Moutan bark (Mu Dan Pi) – Cools the blood and clears heat.

Together, these six ingredients harmonize to nourish the kidney and liver, while regulating excess heat and promoting fluid balance in the body3.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

What Is this traditional formula Used For?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are considered the root of life, governing essential functions such as growth, reproduction, and aging4. As a result, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is primarily prescribed for conditions related to kidney yin deficiency, a state where the body’s cooling and moistening functions are depleted5.

Common symptoms of kidney yin deficiency include6:

  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Sore lower back and knees
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Dry mouth or throat
  • Fatigue
  • Low-grade fever or hot flashes

In the modern world, these symptoms may manifest in individuals with chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, or stress-related disorders7.

Clinical Applications in Modern Medicine

While the formula originates from ancient times, modern research has begun to explore its potential benefits beyond traditional uses. For example, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan has been studied for its potential roles in supporting:

  • Blood sugar regulation: Some studies suggest that it may help manage symptoms of diabetes by improving glucose metabolism8.
  • Anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties: The formula has demonstrated potential in reducing inflammation, supporting overall immune function, and possibly even reducing the side effects of chemotherapy9.
  • Improved kidney function: Research suggests this traditional formula may support kidney health, making it beneficial for people with chronic kidney conditions, though clinical guidance is crucial10.

These applications, while promising, require further validation through rigorous scientific research, and should not replace conventional treatments without a doctor’s approval.

Benefits of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

The benefits of this herbal remedy extend beyond just kidney health. Its multi-faceted formula helps balance and restore the body’s internal energy, benefiting other areas such as:

1. Improved Energy and Vitality

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan helps those who feel constantly fatigued or depleted, particularly in cases where kidney function may be compromised. Regular use can promote a stronger sense of energy and resilience11.

2. Hormonal Balance

Because kidney function is closely tied to hormonal balance in TCM, this formula is often recommended for people suffering from menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and irritability12.

3. Cognitive Function and Memory

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is also used to enhance memory and prevent cognitive decline in aging adults. By nourishing the kidney and liver systems, it may offer support for brain health, especially in older individuals who may experience memory lapses and dizziness13.

Is this herbal remedy Right For You?

Liuwei Dihuang Pills in a bottle

Who Should Take it

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is primarily prescribed for individuals showing signs of kidney yin deficiency. It is particularly helpful for14:

  • Older adults experiencing symptoms of aging, such as low back pain, dizziness, and tinnitus.
  • People with chronic fatigue or those recovering from long-term illnesses.
  • Women going through menopause, as it helps to ease the transition by addressing hormonal imbalances.

Who Should Avoid it

It’s important to note that Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is not for everyone. Here are a few cases where caution should be exercised15:

  • People with cold or flu symptoms should avoid using the formula, as it may trap pathogenic factors in the body.
  • Those with kidney yang deficiency (marked by cold hands and feet, lethargy, and a preference for warmth) should avoid this formula. Instead, they might benefit from a warming tonic such as Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan.
  • Individuals with digestive issues, such as bloating or diarrhea, may find the formula exacerbates their symptoms.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women, and children should only use it under professional guidance.

Common Side Effects

While generally considered safe when used as directed, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan has been associated with mild side effects in some cases, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, and allergic reactions. If any adverse effects occur, it’s best to stop taking the formula and consult a healthcare provider16.

How To Take this herbal remedy

The standard dosage is usually one large honeyed pill (or its equivalent) taken twice daily with warm water. However, the dosage may vary depending on individual needs, so it’s important to consult a practitioner for personalized advice17.

Best Practices for Usage

  1. Consult a Practitioner: Always consult a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner or healthcare provider before starting the formula to ensure it’s appropriate for your condition.
  2. Avoid Certain Foods: While using this classic prescription, avoid spicy or greasy foods that may counteract its benefits.
  3. Monitor Your Symptoms: If symptoms worsen or new symptoms arise, discontinue use and seek medical advice.


Liu Wei Di Huang Wan offers a time-tested remedy for individuals suffering from kidney yin deficiency and related health concerns. Whether you’re seeking to balance your energy, manage symptoms of aging, or address chronic fatigue, this ancient formula may offer a holistic solution.

However, like any herbal remedy, it should be used with care and preferably under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. While it offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to remember that Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Proper diagnosis and professional advice are key to maximizing its effectiveness.

If you’re interested in trying this herbal remedy, consult a Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist to determine if it’s the right fit for your health needs.

Trusted Sources

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Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

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