a person applying acupuncture needle on client s forehead

The Power of Acupuncture for Glaucoma Treatment

For now, it appears acupuncture combines well with conventional therapies in a natural glaucoma management protocol.

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions characterized by optic nerve damage and vision loss. Left untreated, glaucoma can lead to permanent blindness. The most common treatment is prescription eye drops, but many people seek alternative therapies like acupuncture. Here’s what the research says about using acupuncture for glaucoma.

a person applying acupuncture needle on client s forehead
Photo by Antoni Shkraba on Pexels.com

How Acupuncture May Help Reduce Eye Pressure

One of the leading causes of glaucoma is elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) inside the eye.[1] Several studies have found that acupuncture may help modestly lower IOP:[2][3]

  • A 2020 review found acupuncture may have a small effect in reducing IOP, though the evidence was low quality. More research is still needed.[3]
  • One trial measured IOP before and after acupuncture treatments, finding a small but significant pressure decrease.[2]
  • Other studies show acupuncture improves retrobulbar circulation – the blood flow around the eyeball and optic nerve.[4][5] Better circulation may help lower IOP naturally.

While the IOP reductions are generally small, even minor pressure decreases could help slow glaucoma progression in some cases. Larger and higher quality studies are still needed to make stronger conclusions.

Other Potential Benefits of Acupuncture for Glaucoma

In addition to IOP control, some research suggests acupuncture may provide other benefits:

  • One study found acupuncture improved visual field tests, a measure of side vision used to monitor glaucoma damage progression.[6] However, not all trials replicated this finding.[3]
  • People report relief from glaucoma symptoms like eye pain or discomfort with acupuncture.[7] It may reduce inflammation and discomfort even if IOP is not significantly altered.
  • Acupuncture triggers the relaxation response and releases endorphins, which could help patients cope with a chronic condition.[8] Reduced stress and better mood may indirectly benefit eye health long-term.

As an adjunct therapy rather than replacement for standard treatment, acupuncture shows promise as a way to manage glaucoma naturally without drugs’ side effects. Larger clinical trials are still needed, but it poses virtually no risks when performed by a licensed acupuncturist. For those seeking alternatives, it may be worth a try.

Bottom line

In summary, preliminary research suggests acupuncture could offer glaucoma patients modest IOP reductions and potentially other benefits like improved blood flow and symptom relief. It represents a safe adjunctive treatment option while more high-quality studies are still warranted. For now, it appears acupuncture combines well with conventional therapies in a natural glaucoma management protocol.


[1] Acupuncture for glaucoma – PMC – NCBI National Institutes of Health (.gov) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7006956/

[2] Effect of Acupuncture on Intraocular Pressure in Glaucoma … Hindawi https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2013/293567/

[3] Acupuncture for glaucoma Cochrane https://www.cochrane.org/EYES_acupuncture-glaucoma

[4] Acupuncture For Patients With Glaucoma ScienceDirect https://www.sciencedirect.com/article/pii/S0928658209000624

[5] Acupuncture treatment of glaucoma based on radar plots Lippincott Williams & Wilkins https://journals.lww.com/co-ophthalmology/fulltext/2021/07000/acupuncture_treatment_of_glaucoma_based_on_radar.13.aspx

[6] Acupuncture for glaucoma: A systematic review and meta … Korea Science https://koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO202020583382713.page

[7] How to Treat Glaucoma With Acupuncture and TCM myartofwellness.com https://myartofwellness.com/Blog/2021/October/How-to-Treat-Glaucoma-With-Acupuncture-and-TCM.aspx

[8] Acupuncture for Dry Eye Disease Glaucoma Today https://glaucomatoday.com/2018-nov-dec/acupuncture-for-dry-eye-disease

Michael Zhang
Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a long-time health buff. He's committed to a lifestyle that's rooted in science. You can count on his articles to be accurate and reliable.

Articles: 687

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